At their ordinary meeting held on 23rd November, 2021, Board Members resolved, among other key issues to streamline Good Governance and Human Rights programs to facilitate community development. Previously, projects and interventions focused more on community development than good governance and human rights. However, members established that good governance and human rights are increasingly becoming the hallmark for not only sustainable development but al so meaningful economic growth. Where issues of good governance and human rights are disregarded in a democratic dispensation, community development collapses because theft, corruption and partiality on public resources stifle meaningful progress.
Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity at all levels of service delivery to citizens through legal and acceptable means to stop theft, corruption and impunity.
A Nation whose public office duty bearers, civil society, investors and citizens are free from theft, corruption and impunity.
Transparency Initiative is passionately committed to the following six (6) integral values in its programming work and institutional operations. These values anchor the organizational behavior of Transparency Initiative since operational norms, work ethics and formal guidelines and principles are guided by these values.
We believe that the community better understand their welfare and development situation. In our work we seek to understand the views and ideas of the people concerned in local development efforts and interventions
We closely work in collaboration with non-state, state and private actors for a common vision and objective towards uplifting the welfare of the people and eradication of poverty
Transparency Initiative works to promote the participation and active involvement of marginalised and vulnerable societal groups in local development processes.
The Trust is committed to ensuring that it is open, accommodative and engaging with the local communities in its operations to build trust and better respond to the prioritized development needs of the communities.
Transparency Initiative works to ensure that its local governance and local development interventions and programmes are of high quality, effective and efficient in nature.
The Trust consistently strives to share information between the local communities on one hand and development actors, duty bearers and other external stakeholders on the other hand for the ultimate benefit of the communities
As an organisation established on the principle of empowering local communities the following are its objectives: